Hills and local communities

We care about the local communities in areas where we operate and recognise the importance of keeping local communities informed of any of our activities that may affect them. We like to speak to people in person when we can but this website is another means of making information available. We welcome your comments and suggestions and invite you to contact us.

Below are the various ways we engage with the community, ensuring we are minimising the impact upon the environment and our neighbours whilst also giving back.

Liason Groups

We hold regular meetings with local people and their elected representatives who live and work close to where we operate. Read the minutes here.


Read the information on the planning applications we intend to make or have submitted for approval by local authorities.

How’s My Driving

Find out more about Hills’ good driving charter and its involvement in the How’s My Driving? scheme.

Landfill Communities Fund

The Hills Group has channelled millions of pounds into environmental and other good causes across Wiltshire through the Landfill Communities Fund.

Calne Traffic Management Plan

Due to the fire at the Lower Compton landfill we have temporarily suspended the Calne Traffic Management Plan and need to send trucks through Calne Town centre. We will revert to using the link road as soon as it is possible.

Charitable Giving

The Hills Group Charitable Donations Committee actively support local charities, groups and causes.