Wellbeing Hub

The Hills Group is committed to its employees’ wellbeing.

Domestic Abuse can happen to anyone. Domestic abuse is never the fault of the person experiencing it. This month on the Wellbeing Hub we are highlighting the Support Services available to someone who may be experiencing domestic abuse. Visit our Domestic Abuse Support page here >>>

Domestic Abuse isn’t always physical. Domestic abuse includes:

  • Psychological (name calling/threats/manipulation/blaming you)
  • Economic (controlling your access to money)
  • Sexual
  • Coercive control (exerting power and control over you)
  • Tech abuse (sending abusive texts, demanding access to your devices, sharing images of you online)

Domestic abuse can happen to both men and women.

In an emergency always call 999


Throughout 2025, there will be awareness campaigns and incentives in the following areas: